You never died because you are made of atoms.. your existence always remain in the universe...
By d.p

We are going to understand the highly specified controversial Theory, if we go beyond the earth milky way and other distinct galaxies, we may find that our universe is not the only universe but instead part of the vast complex of the universes that we called MULTIVERSES
Now the idea of multiverse is strange one mean most of raise to believe that universe means everything . But it is strange to believe that multiverse is exist and these multiverse have different fundamental properties different dimensions.

At 1929 great astronomer ediwin hubble realized that distinct galaxies are rushing away from each other, it's expanding. This was the revolutionary idea but know that universe was static and expansion must be slowing down, that is much as the gravitational pull of the earth slows the an coin tossed upward the gravitational pull of each galaxy on other must be slowing the expansion must be slowing down. Now let's go to the nineties when the astronomer they are inspired by this reasonings to measure the to rate at which the expansion has been slowing and they did this by observation of nemrues different galaxies how the expansion rate is changing with time , the surprise is that ,

they found that expansion is not slowing down instead they found it's speeding up faster and faster. Now you want to know why what pushing on it . What Force to rush away all galaxies to each other. Solution of this question comes from the idea of Einstein, that we use gravity as pull object together but Einstein general theory of relativity Gravity can also push things apart . According to the Einstein maths if space is uniformlly filled with invisible energy sort of like a uniform invisible mist then the gravity generated by that mist would be repulsive, repulsive gravity.

Which is just we need to explain the observation because the repulsive gravity of an invisible energy in space we know called it dark energy it is the somky form it is the repulsive gravity causes push each galaxy into other so speed is not slowing down . When they try to find the amount of dark energy they found a very small value. .
Now let think this again by the string theory as in the last article I told you about string theory . If you examine the ball you will find molecules then atoms , subatomic particles,

if you go more inside you will find something special in that little tiny vibrating string just like a string in guitar they vibrates different patterns producing different musical notes, when these strings vibrates they produce different particles electron , proton, quarks, nuetrino all other particles they all are rise by vibrating string. In string theory we know extra dimensions of space. Usually we know about 3-dimension but string theory explain that there are additional dimension with a small size even we can not detected them. In string theory vibration determines everything most importantly amount of dark energy would be determined by the shape of extra dimensions if we knew the shape of extra dimensions we can calculate dark energy. We don't know the shape of extra dimensions . Some taking us to an idea of string theory of multiverse.

May be each of these shapes are really with different dimensions means there are many universe each with different shapes of this extra dimensions.

If there are other universes and if those universes each have different shapes with a extra dimensions then the physical features of these universe will be different and in particular and amount of dark energy in each universe will be different. Very important thing is that why we are finding dark energy in the universe instead of other things. Solution is that those universe have much more dark energy than ours whenever matter try to clump into galaxies the repulsive push off the dark energy so strong that it makes everything apart . And those universes have less amount of dark energy they will collapse back on them so quickly and galaxy won't form . Without galaxies no stars, no sun, no planets no chance to existence of our form of life to exist on those universes. So we are finding dark energy because our universe has provide us our form of life with particular dark energy. And after that idea of multiverse is strong. Here comes to big bang theory everyone knows about it but there was not a single bang many big bang taken place

simultaneously each giving rise it's separate universe with our universe was the one of them like a bubble so there was form many universes . So idea of string theory is that each of the universe have extra dimensions and extra dimensions yields different physical properties and features. so in our universe the amount of dark energy is sufficient for our form of life so as for other universes it would be different. So how we detect the other universes according to this theory when two universes collide with each other they will produce solar patterns .. so in the future we can observe the multiverse. Our universe is not static space is expanding and expanding is spending up. And there might be other universes so in the future as expansion is going on each galaxy will rush away from us so we will only have black sky.

in the future there might be many things about the space will come to us .
To be continued....
By d.p
We are going to understand the highly specified controversial Theory, if we go beyond the earth milky way and other distinct galaxies, we may find that our universe is not the only universe but instead part of the vast complex of the universes that we called MULTIVERSES
Now the idea of multiverse is strange one mean most of raise to believe that universe means everything . But it is strange to believe that multiverse is exist and these multiverse have different fundamental properties different dimensions.
At 1929 great astronomer ediwin hubble realized that distinct galaxies are rushing away from each other, it's expanding. This was the revolutionary idea but know that universe was static and expansion must be slowing down, that is much as the gravitational pull of the earth slows the an coin tossed upward the gravitational pull of each galaxy on other must be slowing the expansion must be slowing down. Now let's go to the nineties when the astronomer they are inspired by this reasonings to measure the to rate at which the expansion has been slowing and they did this by observation of nemrues different galaxies how the expansion rate is changing with time , the surprise is that ,
they found that expansion is not slowing down instead they found it's speeding up faster and faster. Now you want to know why what pushing on it . What Force to rush away all galaxies to each other. Solution of this question comes from the idea of Einstein, that we use gravity as pull object together but Einstein general theory of relativity Gravity can also push things apart . According to the Einstein maths if space is uniformlly filled with invisible energy sort of like a uniform invisible mist then the gravity generated by that mist would be repulsive, repulsive gravity.
Which is just we need to explain the observation because the repulsive gravity of an invisible energy in space we know called it dark energy it is the somky form it is the repulsive gravity causes push each galaxy into other so speed is not slowing down . When they try to find the amount of dark energy they found a very small value. .
Now let think this again by the string theory as in the last article I told you about string theory . If you examine the ball you will find molecules then atoms , subatomic particles,
if you go more inside you will find something special in that little tiny vibrating string just like a string in guitar they vibrates different patterns producing different musical notes, when these strings vibrates they produce different particles electron , proton, quarks, nuetrino all other particles they all are rise by vibrating string. In string theory we know extra dimensions of space. Usually we know about 3-dimension but string theory explain that there are additional dimension with a small size even we can not detected them. In string theory vibration determines everything most importantly amount of dark energy would be determined by the shape of extra dimensions if we knew the shape of extra dimensions we can calculate dark energy. We don't know the shape of extra dimensions . Some taking us to an idea of string theory of multiverse.
May be each of these shapes are really with different dimensions means there are many universe each with different shapes of this extra dimensions.
If there are other universes and if those universes each have different shapes with a extra dimensions then the physical features of these universe will be different and in particular and amount of dark energy in each universe will be different. Very important thing is that why we are finding dark energy in the universe instead of other things. Solution is that those universe have much more dark energy than ours whenever matter try to clump into galaxies the repulsive push off the dark energy so strong that it makes everything apart . And those universes have less amount of dark energy they will collapse back on them so quickly and galaxy won't form . Without galaxies no stars, no sun, no planets no chance to existence of our form of life to exist on those universes. So we are finding dark energy because our universe has provide us our form of life with particular dark energy. And after that idea of multiverse is strong. Here comes to big bang theory everyone knows about it but there was not a single bang many big bang taken place
simultaneously each giving rise it's separate universe with our universe was the one of them like a bubble so there was form many universes . So idea of string theory is that each of the universe have extra dimensions and extra dimensions yields different physical properties and features. so in our universe the amount of dark energy is sufficient for our form of life so as for other universes it would be different. So how we detect the other universes according to this theory when two universes collide with each other they will produce solar patterns .. so in the future we can observe the multiverse. Our universe is not static space is expanding and expanding is spending up. And there might be other universes so in the future as expansion is going on each galaxy will rush away from us so we will only have black sky.
in the future there might be many things about the space will come to us .
To be continued....