" You are the Creator of your own desitiny"

From the beginning the world is curious about the natural phenomenal activities
We have come to the conclusion that that there are many things which is beyond our imagination. Earth is our home but in future it won't be because we have to go to other planets for the existence of human beings.
From the initially people didn't believe in science, they believe in many theories , mythology, conspiracy theories,
People behave like that science is magic many people said that it is black magic and all . Earth is the only place where life is exist.we have super power because of our brain. Mathematics is present everywhere
If you have vision to see it.
We have found the exact definition Many theories & conclusion.
Mathematical logics is often divided into fields of set theory, model theory, recursion theory, & proof theory. These are basic function of mathematics.
Mathematics has been called the language of the universe. Scientist and engineer often speak the Elegance of mathematics when describing physical reality, for example such as π , F = ma or any formula. And even something as simple as using integer to count real world object. Yet while these examples are demonstrate how useful mathematics can be used for us , does it mean that the physical world naturally follows the rule of mathematics as it's mother tongue and That mathematics has it's own existence. It's is actually a relation between mathematics and physical world.
There are many equation which are as vital product in the mathematics, which changes everything.
1) the Pythagorean theorem.
2) calculus
3) Logarithms
4) square root of -1
5) law of gravity
6) normal distribution
7) Euler's polyhedra formula
8) wave equation
9) Fourier transformation
10) Maxwell Equation
11) navier- Stokes Equation
12) law of thermodynamics
13) relativity
14) Schrodinger's Equation
15) Information Theory
16) chaos Theory
17) law of Electro Magnetic Induction
18) law of Hydro Dynamics
The brightest minds in the history who changed everything .....

Well everyone knows about the straight line and it's properties.
You have probably drawn all kinds of lines throughout your life. But , a line is simply an object in geometry that is characterized as straight, thin, one dimensional, zero width object that extend on both sides to infinity.
A straight line is just a line without any curve .as you all know that .

But the fact is that straight line is a curve actually not to the infinity but for the small instant.
According to the law if you are in the earth every straight line is a curve .
No straight line finishes at infinity .
It finishes when loop is closed.
It means it makes a loop .
You can see clearly the line
But from your frame of reference, if you change the frame of reference you will find that changes in the properties of straight line.if you ur frame of reference is center of the earth than every single straight line is curve and these curve have different function.
If you go beyond the earth you will again find the circularity in the line , they are actually curve .
It is straight line for the small small instant in the curve .if you divide the curve will find these lines.

These curves have different function & different formulas. You will have the curve everywhere, and these finished when the loop is closed .
They have spiral loop based on Fibonacci .
There is one thing That is most important factor is that speed of light have have two values one is the constant .

The value of speed of light is actually have another value which is greater than the C.
There are two values of speed of light
One is 3× 10^8
No lines finishes at infinity it forms a circular path & closed loop, it means that speed of light has two different values
One values which is C .
Have fixed value and show direction of light but there is another value of speed of for closed loop
It must be higher than that of C .
Let name it's R
So R >>>>C
It true for the rest mass also .
Means this can be work if we find out the R
We can travel faster than anything else.
Astronomical units will be changed

Yes it is exist definitely.
We can cross everything if we found it .
Everytime loop is closed . There are many things which is beyond beyond our imagination but it really exsist.
Physics is far behind from these .
So there will be about the conclusion about that straight line is is a curve ..
Straight line is exist for only some instant because your eyes has property to see in straight line. Every line is exactly a curve.
On the other side if we have R>>>>C
Than time travel is possible, we can travel far distance can cross the milky way.
Multiverse and string theory can be tested.
Everything will be amazing.
We can travel anywhere telepotation is possible. We can find out about the extra existence of life,
You need to do an Experiment connect all the mirror so that you can travel the speed of light in the earth .

Like place your mirror in the Mount Everest.
Than accordingly connect the whole earth you will find that there will be time dilution.
You can also calculate the speed of light
You can get your pre image.
That's how old man did the time travel of image only.
You just have to think about it..
To be continued......
From the beginning the world is curious about the natural phenomenal activities
We have come to the conclusion that that there are many things which is beyond our imagination. Earth is our home but in future it won't be because we have to go to other planets for the existence of human beings.
From the initially people didn't believe in science, they believe in many theories , mythology, conspiracy theories,
People behave like that science is magic many people said that it is black magic and all . Earth is the only place where life is exist.we have super power because of our brain. Mathematics is present everywhere
If you have vision to see it.
We have found the exact definition Many theories & conclusion.
Mathematical logics is often divided into fields of set theory, model theory, recursion theory, & proof theory. These are basic function of mathematics.
Mathematics has been called the language of the universe. Scientist and engineer often speak the Elegance of mathematics when describing physical reality, for example such as π , F = ma or any formula. And even something as simple as using integer to count real world object. Yet while these examples are demonstrate how useful mathematics can be used for us , does it mean that the physical world naturally follows the rule of mathematics as it's mother tongue and That mathematics has it's own existence. It's is actually a relation between mathematics and physical world.
There are many equation which are as vital product in the mathematics, which changes everything.
1) the Pythagorean theorem.
2) calculus
3) Logarithms
4) square root of -1
5) law of gravity
6) normal distribution
7) Euler's polyhedra formula
8) wave equation
9) Fourier transformation
10) Maxwell Equation
11) navier- Stokes Equation
12) law of thermodynamics
13) relativity
14) Schrodinger's Equation
15) Information Theory
16) chaos Theory
17) law of Electro Magnetic Induction
18) law of Hydro Dynamics
The brightest minds in the history who changed everything .....
Well everyone knows about the straight line and it's properties.
You have probably drawn all kinds of lines throughout your life. But , a line is simply an object in geometry that is characterized as straight, thin, one dimensional, zero width object that extend on both sides to infinity.
A straight line is just a line without any curve .as you all know that .
But the fact is that straight line is a curve actually not to the infinity but for the small instant.
According to the law if you are in the earth every straight line is a curve .
No straight line finishes at infinity .
It finishes when loop is closed.
It means it makes a loop .
You can see clearly the line
But from your frame of reference, if you change the frame of reference you will find that changes in the properties of straight line.if you ur frame of reference is center of the earth than every single straight line is curve and these curve have different function.
If you go beyond the earth you will again find the circularity in the line , they are actually curve .
It is straight line for the small small instant in the curve .if you divide the curve will find these lines.
These curves have different function & different formulas. You will have the curve everywhere, and these finished when the loop is closed .
They have spiral loop based on Fibonacci .
There is one thing That is most important factor is that speed of light have have two values one is the constant .
The value of speed of light is actually have another value which is greater than the C.
There are two values of speed of light
One is 3× 10^8
No lines finishes at infinity it forms a circular path & closed loop, it means that speed of light has two different values
One values which is C .
Have fixed value and show direction of light but there is another value of speed of for closed loop
It must be higher than that of C .
Let name it's R
So R >>>>C
It true for the rest mass also .
Means this can be work if we find out the R
We can travel faster than anything else.
Astronomical units will be changed
Yes it is exist definitely.
We can cross everything if we found it .
Everytime loop is closed . There are many things which is beyond beyond our imagination but it really exsist.
Physics is far behind from these .
So there will be about the conclusion about that straight line is is a curve ..
Straight line is exist for only some instant because your eyes has property to see in straight line. Every line is exactly a curve.
On the other side if we have R>>>>C
Than time travel is possible, we can travel far distance can cross the milky way.
Multiverse and string theory can be tested.
Everything will be amazing.
We can travel anywhere telepotation is possible. We can find out about the extra existence of life,
You need to do an Experiment connect all the mirror so that you can travel the speed of light in the earth .
Like place your mirror in the Mount Everest.
Than accordingly connect the whole earth you will find that there will be time dilution.
You can also calculate the speed of light
You can get your pre image.
That's how old man did the time travel of image only.
You just have to think about it..
To be continued......