General theory of transformation of wave energy
Our thinking, imaginations can be transfer from one place to another.
It depends upon the logical numeric system present , whenever when we think something that imaginations is already exists .
Let's see how
Our body contains positive and negative charge , these charges do motion in our body , due to charge move in particular direction produce induce current and induce current produce EMF . Hence a magnetic field is always exist around us , so when we think something that particles present in the atmosphere get charged and so on process is going on . due to this a transfer of wave energy happens.
This could be easy for us to understand if we have imagination .
We are surprised to hear sometimes that someone already has think about it , because human mind have same capacity and we are producing the same knowledge. With only same direction .
Our mathematics is just language to understand the phenomena, so according to our dimensions this is different.
The thinking can be transfer by using brain power and concentration,
If you think positive you provide the positive network around your surroundings and thinking if someone thinks the same it will transfer to him as transfer to you.
Particles already has knowledge .
Memory stored in the particle.
As example when you study in the library you get more understanding about the subject you read ..
Means everything and every knowledge is already exists .
Transfer of wave energy of range is 1.65A° to (F ) femto level , means there is less amount of energy transfer by our own mind.
Energy transfer is function of time as the time increases the thinking energy goes on increasing . The equation can be in terms, but it goes to infinity. it never ends the energy once produce ...
As the time increases the transfer of thinking's is going on increases,
It can be any shape , but most of the cases it is circular then as the time increases shape becomes elliptical.
Different kinds of wave have different types of vibration and these vibration create everything .
Thinking can be transfer ...
To be continued...