Today I wanna give you some important information , this page contains many information about universal knowledge , mathematics, and new theories.
I am thankful to everyone who supported me
I am sometimes feel should I post or not
initially when i opened this blog , I don't know anything thank you for supporting me .
the boundary of this blog was just India and some of less people used to open this blog, I was very hopeless that people are not liking it. from the beginning I always believe in science and mathematics around us , I can feel the math is everywhere . sometimes I feel and think to quit this blog . I don't know what to say but in my last post I informed you all that I am gonna quit but it is you people all around the world text me to not quit they told you keep writing , many one told me we likes yours thinking . and finally everyone appreciate me for what I am doing I am thank you to everyone .
your blog universal science and mathematics for u is world wide now . this blog has cool contains
I had posted several months ago about the Expansion of this universe I elaborated everything with my own imagination , many ones ask me questions about it I have given the solution of each Questions.
your blog is now everywhere.. in every platform special thanks to friends from Russia, Japan ,
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Guten Gluck to everyone |