"You are the Creator of your own desitiny"
Intialy we have to understand some fundamentally phenomenon

It starts from the curious people.
German mathematician Theodor Franz Eduard Kaluza suggested very bold idea
He proposed our universe might not have only three dimensions but more than three dimensions. There might be some additional dimension but for some reason we don't yet see. When someone made a bold idea people won't believe in that & nothing to do with the world around us.
This particular idea however although whether we don't know right or wrong, but in the future Experiment may tell us right or wrong. This idea made major effect on physics from last century.
I like tell you about that extra dimensions let's go to the 1907 when Einstein discovered the Theory of relatively and try to understand in terms of gravity.
But many people says that Newton has already provided the theory on gravity and that explain the motion of planets, motion of everything around us. But Einstein knows that Newton had left something behind.But Newton knows that it's theory is correct but can't explain each and everything . Just like how does the sun attracted earth how?.
Here comes Einstein tell us how gravity works, Einstein tells us that space is flat as no matter present in there,if matter present in the environment such as the sun causes the fabric of space to work, and that communicate with the force of gravity.

According to these ideas moon is orbiting around the earth,in valley and in contour.
By the virtue of there present,so this the new idea how gravity actually works .This idea was tested in 1919 through astronomical observation it really works and describes a data and this gained Einstein. Prominent around the world. This what Theodor Franz Eduard Kaluza ( German mathematician) was thinking that like he & Einstein searching For unified Theory .
That one theory might be able to describe nature of all forces by one set of ideas , one set of principle,one master equation.

Eduard Kaluza was thinking that Einstein been able to understand the gravity in terms of curves in space, infact space & time more precise. May I can play the same game with other known force, which was that time known as the electro magnetic force in terms of curves. So he proposed that there are more dimensions if I need to describe more forces. So he imagined that there are 4 dimensions not 3 .
So when he driveved the equation for four dimensions instead of 3 dimensions he found one more extra equation. So he found the equation that scientist used to describe EM force . So he was very happy that he found unified theory. He took his Theory very seriously. So question arises from his Theory that if there is extra dimension why we can't see them, & does this theory work in detail in practicality. First question was answered in 1926 by mathematician he suggested that dimensions might come in two verities there might be be easy to see dimensions there might be very small dimensions we can't see, it is present around us but we can't See, If you go inside you will find amazing things that which explains that dimensions exist .
So this is the explanation that how the additional dimension exist .
This was all about extra dimensions let understand the from the beginning.

Scientists believe that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. This was the singular start to everything that exists. The beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself.

In the late 1920's, astronomer Edwin Hubble saw through his telescope that galaxies (some millions of light years away) were hurtling away from each other at fantastic speeds. This was not caused by some force thrusting them away from each other. Rather, they were still moving as a result of a primeval explosion, all from one point of origin.
temperature of the universe was about a hundred thousands million (1011) degrees Centigrade. This is much hotter than in the center of even the hottest star, so hot, in fact, that none of the components of ordinary matter, molecules, or atoms, or even the nuclei of atoms, could have held together." He goes on, "The universe was filled with light."
Let's understand deeply some phenomenon

that there are all sorts of different lines of evidence that point to our 13.8 billion year age, similar to how there are so many Independent things show the dark matter and one is to think about the fact that our Universe is expanding and cooling today, and to recognize that it was therefore hotter and denser in the past. If we go back, to earlier and earlier times, we’d find that as the volume of the Universe was smaller, all the matter in it was not only closer together, but that the wavelengths of all the individual photons (particles of light) in it were shorter, as the Universe’s expansion has lengthened them to be as long as they are today.

Since a photon’s wavelength defines its energy and temperature, a shorter-wavelength photon is more energetic and higher in temperature. As we go back farther and farther in time, the temperature goes up and up, until at some point, we reach the earliest stages of the hot Big Bang.If we were to extrapolate “infinitely” far back, we’d reach a singularity, where physics breaks down. With our modern understanding of the very early UNIVERSE and that inflationary state was of an indeterminate duration.

So when we speak of “the age of the Universe,” we’re talking about how much time has past since the Universe could first be described by the hot Big Bang until the present day.
if we can measure how the Universe is expanding today and how it has expanded throughout its entire history, we can know exactly what all the different components are that make it up.
From direct measurements of the brightness and distances of objects in the Universe such as stars, galaxies and supernovae, allowing us to construct the cosmic distance ladder.Universe that is made up, today, of 68% dark energy, 27% dark matter, 4.9% normal matter, about 0.1% neutrinos, about 0.01% radiation, and pretty much nothing else.
Let's understand some factors form which we can determine the age of the universe
The age of the universe must be more than the present particles present in Earth,

Let's say age of the universe is equal to the
Age_universe =Age_earth + Expansion_rate
This Expansion rate is at the time of big bang .
The age of the Earth is approximately 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years.
Detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the universe place the Big Bang at around 13.8 billions years .
So the age of Earth is included in the expansion of UNIVERSE.
Hypothetically age when the earth is formed is
(Expansion rate of universe - Age of the Earth)
It is than approximately 9.26±.05 billion years.

I love to tell you that something is different according to me.
Let's go from the intialy when there is a empty space, at intialy there was only wave particles which do not have any kind of attraction all was in state of rest only waves are present at there after billions of years these waves are get into the motion but according to it they never intersect to each other, all was in the state of motion in a fixed path this motion enhance increasingly, the motion was over million years of Time, the waves particles get some fundamentally change in the nature some waves becomes attractive and some are repulsive due to this phenomenon the cosmic wave is increasing constantly, and due to this there was not only the circular motion there was elliptical and dumble shape type MOTION was develop. This motion of the wave particles genrate energy with some amount of energy but after the interval of time the vibration and energy becomes more and more now the cosmic waves is in the wider range and rate is increasing constantly, some of the wave particles are very nearly to each other that they can concide to each other, due to this some of the properties of wave get interchange with each other and have fundamentally effect on the wave particles.
This cosmic wave get increased and they star to move in particular random motion in particular direction.

So there was not a single cosmic ring there was more than cosmic ring formation taken place and when the boundation force was stronger in the ring.
Some of the important phenomena taken place that these ring have explosion taken place when the rate of energy exceed the barriers of the cosmic ring the large explosion is taken place that is known as "Big Bang"

there was not a single "Big Bang"
There was more Big Bang at a same time due to the cosmic wave blow in the empty space and it unbalanced the nature of all forces, after that the explosion of cosmic ring taken place most of them at the same time some of them after some time due to they are small in size and get threshold energy for start the cosmic explosion.

This cosmic explosion is known as Big Bang (according to me ).
The big bang produces everything in the empty space it forms galaxies and universe.
All the bodies which are converted into the mass form all the bodies was hot body with a higher temperature the bodies which are larger in size have more magnetic field and gravitational pull towards the smaller bodies.the bodies which are smaller in size was also have some Magnetism but due to large bodies all small bodies revolve around the large bodies due Magnetic attraction and gravitational pull so that the have lost there temperature and over the long interval of time they become the planets and hot bodies remain as Sun. Most important thing is the body which is large in size will lost its energy more than small bodies. This is because our sun has more life than other sun ( stars) .

We know that our form of life is exist because of 1AU = 149642000km
For the other solar system this distance won't be same but must be in the RATIO,
This absolutely correct but I have some thing different explaination that is in the form of dark energy, those galaxies will have more dark energy will be more stable and have long life but those have less will falls back according to the dark energy the dimensions can be different in the other galaxies so distance doesn't matter at all ..
Dark energy maters ...

Who rushing away all the galaxies from each other and why expansion is not slowing down, we know that EXPANSION is going on at increasing rate !
Now let's go to the nineties when the astronomer they are inspired by this reasonings to measure the to rate at which the expansion has been slowing and they did this by observation of nemrues different galaxies how the expansion rate is changing with time , the surprise is that , they found that expansion is not slowing down instead they found it's speeding up faster and faster. Now you want to know why what pushing on it . What Force to rush away all galaxies to each other. Solution of this question comes from the idea of Einstein, that we use gravity as pull object together but Einstein general theory of relativity Gravity can also push things apart . According to the Einstein maths if space is uniformlly filled with invisible energy sort of like a uniform invisible mist then the gravity generated by that mist would be repulsive, repulsive gravity. Which is just we need to explain the observation because the repulsive gravity of an invisible energy in space we know called it dark energy it is the somky form it is the repulsive gravity causes push each galaxy into other so speed is not slowing down . When they try to find the amount of dark energy they found a very small value. .

Now let think this again by the string theory as in the last article I told you about string theory . If you examine the ball you will find molecules then atoms , subatomic particles,
if you go more inside you will find something special in that little tiny vibrating string just like a string in guitar they vibrates different patterns producing different musical notes, when these strings vibrates they produce different particles electron , proton, quarks, nuetrino all other particles they all are rise by vibrating string. In string theory we know extra dimensions of space. Usually we know about 3-dimension but string theory explain that there are additional dimension with a small size even we can not detected them. In string theory vibration determines everything most importantly amount of dark energy would be determined by the shape of extra dimensions if we knew the shape of extra dimensions we can calculate dark energy. We don't know the shape of extra dimensions . Some taking us to an idea of string theory of multiverse.
May be each of these shapes are really with different dimensions means there are many universe each with different shapes of this extra dimensions
If there are other universes and if those universes each have different shapes with a extra dimensions then the physical features of these universe will be different and in particular and amount of dark energy in each universe will be different. Very important thing is that why we are finding dark energy in the universe instead of other things. Solution is that those universe have much more dark energy than ours whenever matter try to clump into galaxies the repulsive push off the dark energy so strong that it makes everything apart . And those universes have less amount of dark energy they will collapse back on them so quickly and galaxy won't form . Without galaxies no stars, no sun, no planets no chance to existence of our form of life to exist on those universes. So we are finding dark energy because our universe has provide us our form of life with particular dark energy. And after that idea of multiverse is strong. Here comes to big bang theory everyone knows about it but there was not a single bang many big bang taken place
simultaneously each giving rise it's separate universe with our universe was the one of them like a bubble so there was form many universes . So idea of string theory is that each of the universe have extra dimensions and extra dimensions yields different physical properties and features. so in our universe the amount of dark energy is sufficient for our form of life so as for other universes it would be different. So how we detect the other universes according to this theory when two universes collide with each other they will produce solar patterns .. in we can observe the multiverse.Our universe is not static space is expanding and expanding is spending up. And there might be other universes so in the future as expansion is going on each galaxy will rush away from us so we will only have black sky.
There might be several things which might be different from everything and I could be wrong but it's my imagination that I m explaining fundamental things. I have reads books before posting this article. But many more conclusion is given by D.P
Coming soon with the next part ....
To be continued...